Happy Back
Take 5 minutes a day to keep the pain away... and start the day feeling great!

It's hard to be serene, peaceful, and fun to be around when you're in pain.

In this 6-video, self-paced program with PDFs to remind you of all the info, you will gain the tools to help get yourself out of pain - and stay out.

You will know:

- Simple ways to keep your spine aligned, including when you're sitting, standing, sleeping
- What to do when you're in pain - simple "Rescue Poses" that relax muscles in spam and kickstart healing
- a 5 Minute Happy Back Practice you can do anytime, anywhere to feel so much better
Ma Morning Meditation & Power Practice for Busy Mamas
We busy mamas need our own version of meditation. A practice that:

- helps us relieve anxiety, stress, and get re-energized so we can enjoy this exciting time
- connects us to baby, whether baby's inside or out
- is flexible, depending on how much time we have
- includes powerful ways to connect in to our calm, clear, center
- helps us walk our true life path.

Ma Meditation & Power Practice - a 6-module program that helps YOU create YOUR practice so it works for YOU.
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